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Course ID: 272565 Coaching for Optimal Job Performance
Coaching for Optimal Job Performance
Every employee can reach higher levels of performance, including your average and best performers. What they need is a manager who can coach: someone who can routinely observe, assess, and interact in ways that develop and maximize their individual effectiveness. This is your seminar to raise their potential and level of performance and get the most out of your team.
Events 4
Duration 2 Days
Course ID: 292798 Coaching Certificate Program
Coaching Certificate Program
What if you could become an inspiring leader capable of garnering trust and prompting action? During times that would challenge even the most resilient and experienced leaders, it has never been more important to have an arsenal of tools, techniques and best practices for coaching employees to excel. This hands-on course gives them to you—from analyzing the cause of subpar performance to creating a climate for effective employee coaching and learning…from giving feedback to handling difficult
Events 5
Duration 2 Days