Course Description

Can you demonstrate your value and ROI to your boss? Are you able to interpret financial reports and make decisions based on the data they provide? Can you draft an accurate budget? Can you justify your ideas in dollars and cents?

You didn’t get to this point in your career only to be held back by weak financial skills. This program for non-financial managers makes the basics of finance accessible to anyone in just 2 days.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Interpret and respond appropriately to financial information
  • Communicate your contribution to the bottom line
  • Uncover drains on profitability
  • Make smarter decisions that deliver higher profitability

Financial skills are fundamental to any managerial position. Learn how to think finance, and you’ll expand your career opportunities. From accruals to write-offs to receivables and payables, this workshop shows non-financial managers the concepts, tools, and techniques that can help make each decision pay off—on the job and on the bottom line.

How You Will Benefit
  • Get a firm grasp of the numbers side of your job
  • Gain greater confidence with a working knowledge of business  financials
  • Learn how to “think finance” and translate performance into financial terms
  • Cultivate proactive working relationships with finance professionals and enhance your value to the organization
  • Understand the business dynamics of dollars and cents—and take initiatives that meet your short- and long-term goals
  • Take the guesswork out of your decision making and deliver a better bottom line
  • Expand your professional expertise—and your career opportunities

Online Accreditation
12 CAE, 1.2 CEU, 12 PDU, 12 PHR, 12 SPHR

What you will learn

What You Will Cover
  • Key finance terms: assets, liabilities, capital, depreciation, capitalization, current ratio and others
  • The accounting process: journals and ledgers, how debits and credits work
  • Mastering the mind-set: see business in terms of dollars-and-cents decision options that pay off—short- and long-term
  • Basic accounting principles
  • Applying accounting conventions and guidelines
  • Developing working rules regarding your corporate financial statements
  • Using the balance sheet to examine assets and liabilities
  • Analyzing the income statement to assess revenues and expenses
  • The statement of cash flow: sources and uses of funds
  • Content and format of the annual report
  • Understanding the footnotes
  • Debt vs. equity financing
  • How leveraging can increase return to shareholders
  • Keeping your plan on target with budgetary controls
  • Using profit-planning tools, break-even analysis, financial forecasting
  • Cash flow: where cash comes from and how it's applied
  • Elements of cost accounting
  • Analyzing payback method, discounted cash flow, present value and present value index in making profitable capital investment decisions
  • Criteria for examining the performance of divisions and product lines
  • Understanding the cost of capital

Special Feature

Note: Please bring a copy of your annual report (if available).

2 video-based eLearning modules required before the seminar:

  • Introduction to Accounting
  • Introduction to Finance

AMA Blended Learning combines instructor-led training with online pre- and post-seminar assessments, tune-up courses and other resources to maximize your training goals. Through a blend of proven instructor-led seminars and powerful online technology, AMA Blended Learning provides a compelling and more comprehensive experience for the learner—producing a greater return-on-investment for the employer and the seminar participant.

Course: Fundamentals of Finance and Accounting for Non-Financial Managers

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Course Dates

Location Date & Time Duration Course Type
  • CL Classroom Live - Traditional live classroom with in-person instructor.
  • CV Classroom Virtual - Attend this live instructor-led event remotely from the indicated tech facility.
  • VL Virtual Live - Attend this live instructor-led event remotely from anywhere.
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Cancelation Policy

If you cannot attend an event, you may send someone else in your place. If that isn’t an option for you, cancellations received up to five working days before the event are refundable, minus a registration service charge ($10 for one-day events; $25 for multiple-day events). After that, cancellations are subject to the entire seminar fee, which you may apply toward a future seminar. Please note that if you don’t cancel and don’t attend, you are still responsible for payment.