Course Description

EXCELLING AS A MANAGER OR SUPERVISOR course is offered multiple times in a variety of locations and training topics.

What you will learn

Overcome common challenges faced by new managers as you learn how to work through others to get things done. From delivering feedback to delegating work to managing conflict and more, this LIVE, virtual workshop provides the latest, proven strategies to enhance overall team performance.

Learn how to focus your efforts on the traits and skills that drive excellence — all while managing a new workload and zeroing in on your most precious resource, the individuals on your team. This interactive, instructor-led course will help you to achieve your full potential — not just as a manager or supervisor but as a true leader who commands the respect, commitment and credibility that moves people to action and inspires greatness.

Program time: 3 hours

Session 1: Being a Leader vs. Being a Boss
Define the 6 differences between a leader and a boss to determine how one is more effective than the other.
Discuss the new day-to-day job responsibilities and skill sets faced during the transition from individual contributor to leader.
Explain how to utilize the 5-step approach to adaptive leadership to match the right task, employee and leadership development style when assigning work and providing growth opportunities.
Session 2: Mastering Team Communication
Complete a unique interpersonal style inventory to discover your strengths and challenges.
Demonstrate how to provide clear and concise communication to a team member.
Identify how to lead an effective and productive team meeting that saves time, makes objectives clear and keeps everyone on the same page.
Session 3: Team Relationship Management
Explain how to use a resolution process to solve conflict that arises between leaders and employees.
Recognize how to mediate conflict between two employees.
Session 4: Team Motivation and Recognition
Identify the different psychological motivation theories and how they relate to motivators and incentives within today’s organizations.
Explain the concept of tangible incentives and the effect they have on employee motivation.
Discuss intangible incentives and how to utilize them to recognize and motivate employees.
Session 5: Performance Management Methods
Identify how to effectively communicate performance expectations and progress.
Explain how to create effective SMART goals for both leaders and employees.
Discuss the importance of professional development plans in helping employees grow their careers.


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Course Dates

Location Date & Time Duration Course Type
  • CL Classroom Live - Traditional live classroom with in-person instructor.
  • CV Classroom Virtual - Attend this live instructor-led event remotely from the indicated tech facility.
  • VL Virtual Live - Attend this live instructor-led event remotely from anywhere.
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Cancelation Policy

If you cannot attend an event, you may send someone else in your place. If that isn’t an option for you, cancellations received up to five working days before the event are refundable, minus a registration service charge ($10 for one-day events; $25 for multiple-day events). After that, cancellations are subject to the entire seminar fee, which you may apply toward a future seminar. Please note that if you don’t cancel and don’t attend, you are still responsible for payment.

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