Course Description

Are you tired of being under constant pressure to make the right number-based decisions for your organization? Are you too often overwhelmed by an out-of-control flood of data, much of it conflicting and confusing?

Designed for those who have a basic familiarity with MS Excel and want to develop their ability to solve problems effectively and efficiently, this course goes beyond the qualitative side of data analysis to explore proven quantitative tools and methods for analyzing, interpreting, and utilizing data, so that more informed and reliable business decisions can be made. Take this chance to add value to your organization by increasing your productivity in handling all the information and reports that pile up in the inbox every day—and lose the angst that goes with it!

How You Will Benefit
  • Learn the best practices for organizing, summarizing and interpreting quantitative data
  • Create a repeatable process for analyzing your data
  • Bring out patterns in data that were not apparent at first glance
  • Identify and apply tools for data analysis
  • Shorten the time between analysis and action to avoid “analysis paralysis”
  • Recognize the value of using data to address business questions and inform decision-making

Online Accreditation
1.2 CEU, 12 PDCs

What you will learn

What You Will Cover
  • Recognizing the context and the need for information
  • Using the Data as a Strategic Model (DASA) as a framing tool when approaching data analysis
  • Framing the right questions to ensure the best results
  • Collecting and organizing the “right” data for the questions being posed
  • Selecting the right tools and techniques to analyze the data
  • Identifying the relevancy of the data you can access
  • Interpreting and translating data into actionable insights
  • Applying analytical tools to your business questions

Special Feature

Course Requirements: MS Windows-based laptop with working browser to connect to the Internet via WiFi network; as well as a minimum of Excel 2019 or 365 for PC installed.

Course: Data Analysis Fundamentals: A Hands-on Workshop

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Course Dates

Location Date & Time Duration Course Type
  • CL Classroom Live - Traditional live classroom with in-person instructor.
  • CV Classroom Virtual - Attend this live instructor-led event remotely from the indicated tech facility.
  • VL Virtual Live - Attend this live instructor-led event remotely from anywhere.
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Cancelation Policy

If you cannot attend an event, you may send someone else in your place. If that isn’t an option for you, cancellations received up to five working days before the event are refundable, minus a registration service charge ($10 for one-day events; $25 for multiple-day events). After that, cancellations are subject to the entire seminar fee, which you may apply toward a future seminar. Please note that if you don’t cancel and don’t attend, you are still responsible for payment.

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